The Medical device market
Buy & Build Strategy
EcoTechHolding of Medical devices
The market of medical devices in the Russian Federation
  • The volume of the market for medical products in Russia is estimated by Rosstat in the amount of > 600 billion rubles. The market continues to grow actively
  • Diagnostic and rehabilitation equipment took the leading positions in connection with the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic (a total of 48% of the market)
  • The share of imports of medical devices remains at about 80%, about half of imports are surgical and dental equipment
  • The leading positions in terms of supply are occupied by:
    • China (27% of the total amount
    • of imported medical products)
    • USA (15%)
    • Germany (12%)
  • Russia has a policy of import substitution in the production of medical equipment
  • A key tool for stimulating import substitution is the provision of state financial support to industries producing medical products
Investment idea: EcoTechHolding of Medical devices
It is planned to create a medical EcoTechHolding, which will operate in the above-described segments. The current revenue of the largest players in the target market segments is ~ 93,9 billion rubles.
The value chain
  • Cost growth due to a combination of operational, sales and financial efficiency
  • Sales and GR efficiency: multiple sales growth due to the synergistic efforts of EcoTechHolding
  • Holding Operational efficiency: implementation of the operational standards of Megatechnika Group
  • Financial efficiency: higher valuation of assets in the IPO of EcoTechHolding
  • Collectively, this gives an increase in the valuation of the acquired asset by 5-10 times
EcoTechHolding's competencies
EcoTechHolding will concentrate on its level of competence having a synergistic effect on all companies
GR and the largest customers
+ GR work at the federal level
+ GR work at the regional level
License Certificates
+ Assistance in licensing new developments
+ Protection of intellectual property
M&A and Finance
+ Structuring of M&A transactions
+ Attracting financing
+ Coordination of company strategies
+ Scientific and technical foresight
EcoTechHolding's construction Plan
Business Driver
Grif Alexander
40 years old
1989 -1990, Secondary School No.489, St. Petersburg
1990-1998, Secondary School No. 537, St. Petersburg
1998-2003, College of Aviation Instrumentation
and Automation, specialization – "Aviation devices
and complexes".
2003 – 2008, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State
University of Aerospace Instrumentation, specialization
"Finance and Credit".
2011 – 2014, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg State University
of Aerospace Instrumentation, Postgraduate course
"Finance and Credit".
2021-2022. co–founder of the industrial group
of companies "Megatechnika".
Since 2022, the junior beneficiary of the industrial
group of companies "Megatechnika". Ensured the
involvement of an administrative resource, a dynamic
development strategy
Owns the Atlant Group of companies (design,
construction, supply of equipment and materials)
Author and speaker of a number of training programs
for economic and psychological development
Married, has four children Hobbies: traveling, yoga,
mindfulness development, energy practices.
Preliminary plan for the creation of an EcoTechHolding
It is proposed to start the creation of an EcoTechHolding with the acquisition of the Megatechnika company. The financial resources and lobbying capabilities of Grif A.A. and partners make it possible to create a world-class EcoTechHolding in the medium term
Megatechnika Group of Companies
  • The main business lines of Megatechnika Group:
    + production of consumables (including packaging) for sterilization of instruments in medicine and beauty
    + production of equipment for the disposal of medical waste and disinfection of surfaces
  • The company's products allow its customers to reduce the cost of disinfection of tools and waste disposal by 2-3 times
  • The company will remain in the stage of rapid growth in the near future (72% CAGR ‘19-23). The group's consolidated revenue for 2022 is 780 million rubles, EBITDA is 197 million rubles.
  • The company's production base is located in the Leningrad region
  • The group's manufactured equipment has passed all types of examinations in Russia, Belarus, and Uzbekistan. Currently, certification is underway in Argentina, Vietnam, Brazil
  • Megatechnika Group carries out export deliveries. Currently, more than 500 pieces of equipment have been successfully operating in India for 3 years
Characteristics of the manufactured products of Megatechnika Group
Megatechnika Group offers innovative and competitive products in the markets of disinfection, sterilization and disinfection of surfaces, with a high potential to become a market leader in the presented segments
Packaging materials for sterilization
Self-adhesive bags and rolls or sterilization of:medical instruments(used in surgery, dentistry) manicure accessories (scissors, cutters for hardware uncut manicure) podological equipment

Megatechnika Group's products occupy about 30% of the market*

Revenue in 2022 is 545 million rub. Revenue in 2023 – 742 million rub.
Potential for synergy:
+ МеDsi
+ Segezhagroup
Medical Waste
Installations for the neutralization and disinfection of medical waste of classes "B" and "C": based on the technology of using dry hot air, they are used by medical institutions for the subsequent disposal of waste on a par with solid waste New technology on the market, in demand in India and Latin American countries

Megatechnika Group's products occupy about 5% of the market*

Revenue in 2022 – 235 million rub. Revenue in 2023 – 311 million rub.
Potential for synergy:
+ МеDsi
+ Sistema BioTech
Station for wet steam cleaning and disinfection of washable surfaces using water vapor and hydrogen peroxide: washing and deodorizing effect bactericidal, fungicidal, virulent and sporicidal action Prevents bacteria from getting used to a certain type of chemicals. At the moment, the installation and technology are in the certification stage, not released to the market
Potential for synergy:
+ МеDsi
* as % of revenue
Give preference to cleanliness and innovative technologies
The concept of EcoTechHolding is an innovative group of companies that changes the world for the better every day. Our equipment is appreciated for its combination of efficiency and ease of use.

We are open for cooperation.

I suggest that you discuss the prospects for a personal consultation, arrange an excursion to the production site or deliver test samples of Megatechnika Group equipment to you.
Alexander Grif
+7 981 738 94 89
Monday – Friday: 09.00 – 21:00